Cash Gifts
The most popular way to contribute to the Keokuk Community School Foundation is with a cash gift – currency, check, money order, or bank draft made payable to the Keokuk Community School Foundation.
Security Gifts
Gifts of appreciated securities often are move advantageous to the contributor than outright cash gifts. They provide two benefits: No capital gains tax is payable, and you may use the fair market value of the securities on the date of the gift to compute the income tax charitable deduction.
Real Estate Gifts
The Foundation also accepts gifts of real property. Here are tax advantages for gifts of long-term appreciated real property: You pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation, and a charitable contribution deduction is allowed for the fair market value of real estate given to the Foundation on the day it is transferred by deed.
Planned Gifts
Life Insurance Gifts – Properly arranged, life insurance is an attractive way to benefit the Keokuk Community School Foundation at a relatively low cost to the contributor.
Life Insurance Gifts – Properly arranged, life insurance is an attractive way to benefit the Keokuk Community School Foundation at a relatively low cost to the contributor.
The information in this section is believed valid under current tax law, but prospective contributors should consult with their own advisors about their individual situations and applicable tax law.